


(2)動物も人間と同じように感情や心の痛みを共有する、と実感する。常に優しく撫で触り心で対話を繰り返す作業をしなければ、実感できるよう にはならない。与えた分だけ確実に愛情が返ってくることを知り、深い愛情を所有していると感じ取ることができる。そのうちに自分と全く同じで自分自身でも ある、と体得する。



頬をくっつけ「君は犬で私はなぜ人間か?反対でも決しておかしくは無い。私が人間である理由などどこにもないし、その資格がある訳でもない。ま た君が犬である理由もない」など心で語ることだ。回を重ねる毎に段々深く伝わってくる。そして地上は自己と一体で、生物は全て自分と一緒に息吹きしている と感じ取るだろう。人類は言語を使い始めて深い心を失い始めたと識るべきである。



The way from “material spirits” to “organism spirits” The word is simple but it is quite difficult way.

(1) We must do perfect the operation of mind that other children are same as our own children. Then what happen? I have already said in this series. The many feeling that we have never had in our mind will begin to derive. And naturally they will switch to the next step.

(2) We will realize that animals share feelings and pains of heart like human beings. We will not be able to realize if we don’t work with patting gently and repeting dialogue. We know that love will certainly return with giving them and can feel having deep love. Soon we will master that they are quite same with our own.

Then the world ill threaten at a stretch in front of our eyes. We can comprehend and master that human beings and animals beyond the sea are our own. Hakushu Kitahara had been observing the sparrow for two years in his porch of the garden. Atter that , he could master “A sparrow and I are same”.

Rincarn said that “ I support the right of animals as same as the right of human beings. That is the way that human beings essentially must get.” They don’t say that they like animals. They say that animals are their own. It isn’t the dialogues that they put ropes to their dogs and walking.

We must stick our cheek and talk with mind “ Why are you a dog and am I a human being?” It isn’t never strange even reverse. The reason that I am a human being is not any and the qualification is not any. And the reason that you are a dog is not any.” We can spread deeply per time. Then we will read that all living things are breathing with ours. We must learn that human beings begin to use language and lose deep mind.

Soon, we will notice that the competitor is a sad existence. Inspite of rich feelings, they don’t have wisdom, they are mocked by human beings having thin feelings and treated as a matter. We must understand that there are many things with wisdoms and master that we have to see the position.

When we lead here, our mind become clear and see all things, phenomenon personality, human nature to human beings clearly. It is very mysterious. I say again and again. It is impossible that we escape from “material spirit” even referring human beings.

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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