なぜ 弾力性のある四脚ではなく蹄(ひづめ)で棒脚なのか。背中に飛び乗られ首や脊髄(せきずい)を噛み抉(えぐ)られ易いようになっているのは、なぜか。全身 に柔らかい弾力性を持たされていないのは、なぜ?肉食獣に襲われた時、群れを成しているのに集団で一斉に反撃しないのは、なぜ?
因数を調整するためか?天災がなければ因数が増えすぎるから?人間は知恵があり、欲がからむと、どんなことでもどこまでも追求するのに、ここに 述べている内容などは、なぜ少しも追求しないのか。幼児性が抜けた途端に、思春期や青春と呼ばれるものが何故ある?真理を追求し真理を超える考えをさせな いで、他に目を向けさせるため?あるいは、種を存続させる為?
争いに関心を持たされているのは、なぜ?オリンピックでは全ての種目が重力に挑戦する競技である。そうして重力に挑戦しながら身体は鍛えるの に、重力の求心性に挑戦して精神を闘わせないのは、なぜ?(ここで言う精神は忍耐力のことではない)。この様に、三原則から与えられた「動作と心」以外は 気が付かなくなっている。人間や動物がお互いに共有する「あらゆる心の痛み」は、同じなのに他の「心の痛み」を感じ取れる能力を持たされていない。だか ら、せめて持たされた「お粗末な心」を派生させ開発させ、限りなく良心を磨き上げなければならない。
Direct to Mr. Hashimoto governor⑦
Watching to turn a little, there is a lot of questions in this world. For example, when a great herbivore is attacked by predatory animals, why doesn’t he bite again? Why does he only fight with born and leg, and run away with no biting?Why doesn’t he have sharp nail and tusk?
Why does he have hoof and stick leg without elastic four legs? Why does he have hoof and stick leg without elastic four legs? Why easily is he jumped on his back and easily bited the neck and spinal cord? Why doesn’t he have soft elasticity on the whole boy? Why doesn’t he fighting back with together in spite of making group when he is attacked by beast of prey?
Why is he humped the each weakness that he is always killed by another? If herbivores don’t have weakness, food chain isn’t established. They should create the perfect natural providence. Why were they created that animals die by the drought and the flood? They ought to be no death.
Is it to adjust the factor? Is it because that factors increase too much if there isn’t disaster? Human beings have wisdom and they search endless when desive involve. Then why don’t hey search any these stated contents?
Why are adolescence and youth existed after leaving infant? Is it to search the truth, no thinking exseed the truth and to see another? Or is it to continue the blood?
Why do they have sex again in spite of hard birth? Why is the interest of sex superior than hard birth? Why are human beings made to kill other human beings suddenly? Why don’t they sad of other’s death in spite that they sad to their own children and parent’s death?
Why do they have interest of struggle? About the Olympic, all events are games to challenge the gravity. As challenging to the gravity, body is trained. Why aren’t spirits fighted with challenging to the centripetalism of gravity? (This spirit isn’t patient power.) In this way, we don’t notice except “movement and mind” given from the three principles. “All pains of mind” shared by human beings and animals each other is the same, but they don’t have the ability that can read other “pains of mind” So we must derive and develop the “ poor mind” , then polish the conscience unlimitedly.
And to weave the education, they are mission, duty and the reason of exists that all human beings must accomplish.