





地球上にいる全ての生物の代表として、親として、向き合う相手を的確にし照準を絞り、立場を理解し、必ず終焉(しゅうえん)が来るその日まで、 全ての生物と共存共生を、果たさなければならない。人間が、向き合う相手は、全てを創造した重力である。その方向に向かないようにインプットされている が、間違いなく地球上の私達は、重力の三原則から応用されて創られた。全て唯物の世界で、お粗末な「心と呼ばれる」精神作用しか持たされていない。そう深 く理解し、体得して感じとらなければない。

この部分が「人間の存在理由であり、重力の功罪」である。「唯物では完璧であるが、真の唯心では悪魔である」「他の肉体を食って、自己の肉体を 持続させる」「他を究極な不幸にして、自己の幸福に変える」「他を悲劇のどん底に陥れ、自己の歓喜に変える」というような間違ったことが今も世界中の至る 所で発生し、日々尽きることなく無数に繰り返されている。なんとも悲しい現状である。

Direct to Mr.Hashimoto governer

 Human beings don’t do with accuracy to competitor. Then education is in the condition floating on the space. In spite of existing innumerable strange facts, they don’t watch them and take up them as subjects. These are education and history till now.

A warbler whistle “ ho-hokekyo” to the partner when other warbler invade to his territory. He drives off the invaded whistle with attacking. But when other kind birds excepting natural enemies invade, they don’t whistle and drive.

Not all the wild living things, when we observe well the dogs and cats, they are same. They are same kind living things that we take up as objects and react sensitively. This is because that they are input to adjust the numbers of same kinds.

Human beings are completely same. When human beings are completely same. When human beings invade from foreign countries, they were fighting. They don’t care very much when other living things are on the around. They are looking at only human beings in human beings. Their object is only awaking human beings like how to dominate.

Even we study learning that human beings made, we don’t slough from zone of other living things. In the condition input as instruct, they leave themselves. We human beings are leading to today with mistaking competitor of tacing each other.

As the delegate of all living thing on the earth, parents must do with accuracy the competitor in face each other, narrow the sight, understand the position and carry out the coexistence with all living things. The competitor of human beings in face each other is the gravity that we created, everything. They are input not to turn on the direction, we on the earth were surely made with applying from the three principle of gravity. All is the materialistic world and we have only spiritual operation “ called mind” poorly. We must understand deeply, master and reading.

This part is “ the reason of existence the human beings, and the merits and demerits of gravity” “the materialism is perfect but the true spiritualism is devil” “ eating other body and lasting self body” “do other with unhappiness and change self body to happiness” “plunging other to the abyss of tragedy and chaging to the joy of self.” Those mistaking things are now occured in all over the world, repeated innumerably every day. They are the sad present that you never know.

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク


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