政治家たちも同様である。国の宰相であろうと、誰でも義務教育は通過する。だから義務教育から変革するべきである。生徒や親を変える前に、教師 が限りない勉強をし変わらなければならない。教師が変われば子どもたちが変わる。その子どもたちが成長すれば社会が変わり、国家が変わる。国家が変われ ば、見本となり世界が変わる。
だが、教師が目指す着地点が現在の彼らの概念の中にあるわけではない。その道標を示したい。前回に述べた「他人の子どもを自分の子どもと全く同 じであると体得すること」「教育とは何か?」この2つを限りなく追求すれば、自ずと道が創り出される。未熟で愚かだった自分に気づき、世界で1番嫌いな人 間は過去の自分だと思うようになる。そうすれば、しめたもの。進歩した証拠である。
さらに道は続く。そのうちに、教育に人生を賭けるようになり、勇気がないのは貫く理念をもたないことにあると分かる。子どもたちには厳格さが必 要だと分かり、思いやる心が厳格さに繋がると会得し、厳格な自分が在ることに気づく。無謀と厳格、そして勇気と無謀の違いも分かる。文字や距離の測り方を 識(し)ろうとすることだけが勉強ではないと気づく。
それらは学問知識に過ぎない。地上にあるものを識ろうとすることは唯物であって真の勉強とは言えないということにも気づく。そう気づいた教師の 勉強は、限りなく思索を巡らせ、尽きることのない考えに突入する。やがて、子どもたちやその親が日常生活の中で何も考えることなくただ反応だけして生きて いる、ということにも気づく。
Direct to Mr.Hashimoto governer ③
The result of Japanese education is laughed by all over the world. I want to save Japan by the present governer in tenure. Namely, Osakaprefecture want to become orijin of spiritual educationt to pioneering in the world and stop the Japanese collapse. He let the core into educational basis and define the goal. It is the most difficult.
The greatest reason is that they think only filling the desire and teachers don’t study searching spirits deeply. It is the same as teachers in all over the world. If teachers are poor, only poor students are made. Soon they become adults, they are members of poor society.
The politicians are same. Even the premier of the country, everyone pass the compulsory education. So we must change from the compulsory . Before students and parents change, teachers must study vastly and change. If teachers change, children will change. If the children grow up, society will change and their country will change, it becomes sample and world will change.
But landing point that teaches aim isn’t in their present idea. I want to show the guidepost. I said last “We must master that other children and our own children are quite same.” “What is education?” If we search them vastly, the way will be produced naturally.
I notice of inexperience and fool and think that the human being I dislike most is the past self. Then thank God. It is the evidence that we progressed.
Moreover, the way continues. Then, we will bet the life for education and understand that the reason of no-courage is don’t have the philosophy of persisting. We understand that children need the strict, comprehend that consideration connect to the strict and notice the existing of strict oneselves. We can understand rackless and strict. And we can see the difference between the courage and rackless. We notice that only knowing words and measuring distande isn’t studying.
They are only learning knowledges. We notice that learning the ground is materalism and isn’t the true study. If teachers notice that, they think speculation vastly and dash the unfalling idea. Then we notice that children and parents live only reacting without thinking any more in their daily life.